Product Description
Wiley Tom 3D
Wiley Tom 3D is a first of its kind hybrid strutter decoy and the only full strut decoy truly built for the mobile hunter. It's two-piece design consists of an ultralight photo-realistic 2D strutting tom along with a 3D body and head that quick-attach for 3D realism. Go ultralight 2D for long hikes or reaping. Add the 3D body for more realism and it's still lighter and more packable than other 3D strutters on the market. Wiley Tom 3D is the ultimate run and gun full strut decoy.
- Fully 3D and Fully Collapsable - folds up for transport in vest even with feathers. No bulk.
- Easily add your real tail and wing feathers for additional texture and detail - and still collapsible.
- Life like taxidermy eyes for those last few steps
- Between 2.5x and 4.5x lighter than top competitors - compare weights.
- View thru window for visibility when reaping
- Versatile stake designed for traditional set ups or reaping.
A NOTE ON SAFETY: Turkey reaping and gobbler decoys are very effective, but should only be applied on private land where, if there happens to be multiple hunters, everyone is aware of each other’s location at all times.